Биты и байты.

Биты и байты.

понедельник, 11 ноября 2013 г.

QlikView Cheat Sheet

Офигенная штука – QlikView ЧИТ ШИТ)
Для тех кто рубит по английски…

Qlikview v10 set analysis identifiers
Empty set
Full set of all the records
Current selection
Previous selection
Forward selection
Bookmark ID or name
Qlikview v10 set analysis operators
Exclusion (first but not the other)
Inters­ection (both)
Symmetric difference (either but not both)
Qlikview v10 set analysis modifiers
<Or­derDate = Delive­ryD­ate>
Select only data where field1 = field2
<Field = {value­}>
Select specific value
<Region = >
Ignore the specific field
<Ye­ar=­{2000}, Region = {"U*­"­}>
Two fields can be filtered, with wildcards
Qlikview v10 set analysis examples
sum(sales) orsum({$} sales)
sales in current selection
sum({1} sales})or sum({1} Total sales})
sales disreg­arding the selection or disreg­arding selection and dimension
sum({$­<Or­derDate = Delive­ryD­ate­>} sales)
sales in current selection for a specific date
sum({1­<Region = {US}>} sales)
total sales for region=US
sum({<­Region = >} sales)
sales in selection with region removed (idem $)
sum({$­<Ye­ar=­{2000}, Region = {"U*­"­}>} sales)
current selection but year forced to 2000 and region like U*
sum({$­<Year = {$(vLa­stY­ear­)}>} sales)
sales related to a variable
p({<Ye­ar=­{$(­=ma­x(Y­ear­)-1­)}>} customer)
returns customers who are possible for last year
e({<Ye­ar=­{$(­=ma­x(Y­ear­)-1­)}>} customer)
returns customers who are excluded for last year

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