пятница, 6 мая 2016 г.

Как быстро установить патч на SharePoint

Как быстро установить патч на SharePoint или почему обновление может устанавливаться 5 часов.  
Подробности тут.
Если вкратце необходимо отключить службы  SPTimerV4, IISAdmin, OSearch15, SPSearchHostController перед установкой патча и включить после установки.
1. Отключаем службы  IISAdmin и SPTimerV4
2. Выключаем службы IIS Admin и Timer Services если они запущены                                                                                                           
3. Если необходимо делаем паузу в службе поиска , см детали в cкрипте
4. Останавливаем  службы поиска Search Services, см детали в скрипте
5. Устанавливаем патч в пассивном режиме
Примечание:  Power Shell должен оставаться открытым в фоне пока выполняется патч
6. После выполнения патча, Power Shell скрипт, восстанавливает запуск служб в  на шаге 1 в автоматический
7. Запускаем службы IIS Admin и Timer
8. Запускаем службы поиска Search Services                                                                                                                                                                                      
9. Возобновляем службы поиска если остановили Search Service Application
10. В конце скрипт отображает время начала и завершения патча  и затраченное время

После установки патча  запускаем вручную Sharepoint configuration wizard или

1.) заходим в папку "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\BIN"
2.) И запускаем конфигурирование PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures

##Ensure Patch is Present##
$patchfile = Get-ChildItem | where{$_.Extension -eq ".exe"}
if($patchfile -eq $null)
  Write-Host "Unable to retrieve the file.  Exiting Script" -ForegroundColor Red

##Stop Search Services##
##Checking Search services##
$srchctr = 1
$srch4srvctr = 1
$srch5srvctr = 1

$srv4 = get-service "OSearch15"
$srv5 = get-service "SPSearchHostController"

If(($srv4.status -eq "Running") -or ($srv5.status-eq "Running"))
    Write-Host "Choose 1 to Pause Search Service Application" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    Write-Host "Choose 2 to leave Search Service Application running" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $searchappresult = Read-Host "Press 1 or 2 and hit enter" 

   if($searchappresult -eq 1)
        $srchctr = 2
        Write-Host "Pausing the Search Service Application" -foregroundcolor yellow
        Write-Host "This could take a few minutes" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $ssa = get-spenterprisesearchserviceapplication

    elseif($searchappresult -eq 2)
        Write-Host "Continuing without pausing the Search Service Application"
        Write-Host "Run the script again and choose option 1 or 2" -ForegroundColor Red
        Write-Host "Exiting Script" -ForegroundColor Red

Write-Host "Stopping Search Services if they are running" -foregroundcolor yellow
if($srv4.status -eq "Running")
    $srch4srvctr = 2
    set-service -Name "OSearch15" -startuptype Disabled

if($srv5.status -eq "Running")
    $srch5srvctr = 2
    Set-service "SPSearchHostController" -startuptype Disabled

    $srv6 = get-service "SPSearchHostController"
    if($srv6.status -eq "Stopped")
        $yes = 1
    Start-Sleep -seconds 10
  until ($yes -eq 1)

Write-Host "Search Services are stopped" -foregroundcolor Green

##Stop Other Services##
Set-Service -Name "IISADMIN" -startuptype Disabled
Set-Service -Name "SPTimerV4" -startuptype Disabled
Write-Host "Gracefully stopping IIS W3WP Processes" -foregroundcolor yellow
iisreset -stop -noforce
Write-Host "Stopping Services" -foregroundcolor yellow

$srv2 = get-service "SPTimerV4"
  if($srv2.status -eq "Running")

Write-Host "Services are Stopped" -ForegroundColor Green

##Start patching##
Write-Host "Patching now keep this PowerShell window open" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$starttime = Get-Date

$filename = $patchfile.basename   

Start-Process $filename

Start-Sleep -seconds 20
$proc = get-process $filename

$finishtime = get-date
Write-Host "Patch installation complete" -foregroundcolor green

##Start Services##
Write-Host "Starting Services Backup" -foregroundcolor yellow
Set-Service -Name "SPTimerV4" -startuptype Automatic
Set-Service -Name "IISADMIN" -startuptype Automatic

##Grabbing local server and starting services##
$servername = hostname
$server = get-spserver $servername

$srv2 = get-service "SPTimerV4"
$srv3 = get-service "IISADMIN"
$srv4 = get-service "OSearch15"
$srv5 = get-service "SPSearchHostController"

###Ensuring Search Services were stopped by script before Starting"
if($srch4srvctr -eq 2)
    set-service -Name "OSearch15" -startuptype Automatic
if($srch5srvctr -eq 2)
    Set-service "SPSearchHostController" -startuptype Automatic

###Resuming Search Service Application if paused###
if($srchctr -eq 2)
    Write-Host "Resuming the Search Service Application" -foregroundcolor yellow
    $ssa = get-spenterprisesearchserviceapplication

Write-Host "Services are Started" -foregroundcolor green
Write-Host "Script Duration" -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "Started: " $starttime -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "Finished: " $finishtime -foregroundcolor yellow
Write-Host "Script Complete"

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